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David Bowie Is…at the Brooklyn Museum

Upon entering the David Bowie Is exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum, one of the first plaques reads, "David Bowie showed us we could be who we wanted to be." During his lifetime, David Bowie played an array of characters, held several alter-egos, and redefined self-invention - a theme that is strewn throughout the exhibit.

*The David Bowie Is exhibit wrapped up its time at the Brooklyn Museum on July 18, 2018.

Upon entering the David Bowie Is exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum, one of the first plaques reads, “David Bowie showed us we could be who we wanted to be.” During his lifetime, David Bowie played an array of characters, held several alter-egos, and redefined self-invention – a theme that is strewn throughout the exhibit.

David Bowie Is .. at the Brooklyn Museum | Things to Do in New York City | #agbhow |

The traveling exhibit, which premiered at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum in 2013 has made it’s final stop at the final home of David Bowie, and will be open to visitors until July 15th, 2018.

Admission to David Bowie Is is $25 on weekends, $20 on weekdays, and does allow you to roam other areas of the museum upon completion of viewing the exhibit. The Brooklyn Museum often falls into the shadows of the large museums of Manhattan, but is outstanding and worth a full visit.



Visitors are equipped with headsets and audio devices that automatically tune to the correct podcast depending on the visitors current location within the exhibit. While visitors can expect some of Bowie’s greatest hits, rare interview and audio clips make up a large part of the audio tour.


The intimate clips combined with some of Bowie’s personal sketches and notes, including costume designs and set lists, leave you feeling as if you’re receiving a personal tour from Bowie himself.


David Bowie Is .. at the Brooklyn Museum | Things to Do in New York City | #agbhow |


Visitors will also get to see several of Bowie’s most popular stage costumes, each eccentric and unique to the phase of life or music he was currently in. But the exhibit also outlines some of Bowie’s darker times, such as his struggles with addiction and fame, portrayed through one of his personas the “Thin White Duke.”



David Bowie once said, “I don’t see any boundaries between any of the art forms. I think they all inter-relate completely.” While many may enter this exhibit with the hopes of learning the inspiration behind Bowie, the musician, most will leave knowing a bit more of the creativity and influence behind David – the musician, painter, mime, and philosopher.

David Bowie Is .. at the Brooklyn Museum | Things to Do in New York City | #agbhow |

David Bowie was and is many things, but I believe many would agree that he was extraordinary figure who could not be labeled. In essence, David Bowie is and always was, just David Bowie.

David Bowie Is .. at the Brooklyn Museum | Things to Do in New York City | #agbhow |

David Bowie Is .. at the Brooklyn Museum | Things to Do in New York City | #agbhow |

11 comments on “David Bowie Is…at the Brooklyn Museum

  1. This post really makes me want to watch the Labyrinth. I will never forget those sparkly stretch pants he wore. Would love to visit this museum.


  2. This post is perfect for my brother in law. Maybe we could check this out this weekend. Thanks for sharing!


  3. I had no idea this exhibit existed! It’s really cool that there is so much behind the scenes stuff and personal papers included. I know a Bowie fan who’d love this place.


  4. Chloe's Travelogue

    I don’t know David Bowie and had to google him. But I can see his fans would really appreciate the exhibit.


  5. Bowie does have a huge fan following
    I’m sure this exhibit will be exciting to attend
    Great post and beautiful pictures


  6. This exhibition is a new thing I have got to know about! Going through your post, I really wish if I can visit it someday 🙂


  7. What a fun traveling exhibit, I think David Bowie was/is so iconic. I haven’t been to the Brooklyn museum before, but if I were in NYC I would definitely go to check it out. Thanks for sharing this information and your awesome pictures!


  8. I love the personal touches on this tour, it sounds like it is really worth a visit. He was such an incredible guy so should be remembered for his talents.


  9. stellymm

    I had no idea there was a museum of him. Good to know, he was such a great guy.


  10. authenticfoodquest

    Had no idea there was a Bowie museum. This is perfect for a fan. Love how personalized the experience is making you feel like a private tour. Good to know!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. matejalicious

    Would love to visit this exhibit to learn more about his personal life and things that are not widely disclosed. Love his music as well 🙂


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