
Twelve Trips in One Year: A New Year Resolution

"You don't have to experience it all, but just enough."

A friend of mine, an avid reader once noted how sad it is knowing that you will never have the opportunity to read every book ever written; never have enough time to enjoy or debate or consider all the thousands of perspectives, ideas, and stories.

As an avid reader myself, I can attest to this despairing realization. As an experience seeker, I’m often plagued by another thought as well – that none of us have the time to experience every single thing we have always wanted to – every trip, every first, every moment that makes us feel like tiny nothings in the universe. Between full-time jobs, or kids, or other aspects of life, I’m sure everyone can relate to that feeling that time is fleeting and that there are never enough hours in a day, or months in a year. Thankfully, the optimist in me says loud and clear, “You don’t have to experience it all, but just enough.”

I have always found the idea of a New Year resolution to be kind of senseless, and so I’ve always instead made a decision to at least attempt to be better generally than I was the year prior. But this year I’ve decided to set myself a little challenge, and fine, I suppose you can call it a New Year resolution. This year I decided that I would attempt to take a trip a month for the entire year of 2018. Some of these trips may be pretty close to home; and I’m sure there are many to whom 12 trips can be taken in just a few months or who are lucky enough to live one never ending travel adventure year-round – but for me this is enough. Besides, there are dozens of books waiting to be written and 2018 is just one.




Twelve Trips in One Year: A New Year Resolution | | #agbhow | Travel


13 comments on “Twelve Trips in One Year: A New Year Resolution

  1. That’s a good goal! I almost managed to accomplish that last year! Where’s first on your list?

    -Liv from

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s the best New Year’s resolution ever! Last year, I vowed to take my 5 year old somewhere every month and we succeeded. 10 US states and 7 countries later, we are hoping to beat that this year and travel everywhere. I hope you get to meet your goal!


    • That’s such an awesome resolution, and sounds like you definitely succeeded! Thank you – and best wishes on your future travels!


  3. omg i love this idea! I can’t make it my own new year’s resolution but I will to do it and keep track of out.:D


  4. What a fabulous New Year’s resolution. I totally agree with the fact that time whizzes by – and seems to faster each year! As you say, I think with a bit of planning, you can certainly manage to get a trip a month in. I’m a big fan of being a tourist in your home town/city/region too – it can be just as fun as going somewhere totally new!

    I decided this year to not make any New Year’s Resolutions – or even celebrate New Year! I booked myself a flight to Bangkok over the new year instead ;-0

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you made a great choice! – New Years has never been one of my favorite holidays.

      I definitely agree – and being in the northeast US, it’s so easy to get short weekend trips in.


  5. I’d love to accomplish the same goal!


  6. That’s an ambitious goal. Hope I can accomplish that one day…on a budget!


  7. That’s a lot of travelling, but I am sure you can do it! I stopped resolutions years ago and now complete a vision board in hopes that I will accomplish the things I set in time, not necessarily within a year time frame.


  8. Oh I have the same goal for 2018! I plan to travel every month this year. So far, have plans up until August! Great read. We may not be able to experience everything in this lifetime but that is the beauty of it as well..


  9. mujicaaandrea

    I feel the same way about new year resolutions as you. I love the idea of 12 trips in one year and it’s totally possible! Can’t wait to hear about them!


  10. Pingback: My Year in Review: The Outcome of my 2018 New Year Resolution | A GREAT BIG HUNK OF WORLD

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